Make sure to eat all your vegetables, or else you might pass out at your local lunch shop. It might not be too bad; you may wake up in the lap of the cashier you’ve been crushing on! Takahiro Kawamoto brings about stories of men who happen to find themselves in some of the luckiest situations with some of the most breathtaking breasts around. Your boss might be a bit of a pain, but when she has to model the swimsuit you’ve designed, it might just be worth it. Your childhood crush may have grown up to be a resort manager that might need help in her hot springs, or you may have become a teacher to swoon the one you used to daydream about. Everything’s going to be alright when you have Girlfriends Galore!
193 Pages. Softcore . Censors for this work are still intact due to the artist never intending for an uncensored version to be released.